Congratulations and blessings!
Ohio Interfaith Power and Light's Covenant Congregations and communities are:
- St. Patrick's Episcopal Church, Dublin
- Broad Street Presbyterian Church, Columbus
- Sylvania United Church of Christ, Sylvania
- Noor Islamic Cultural Center (NICC), Dublin
- St. Mary's Catholic Church, Oxford
- Oxford Interfaith Climate Change Work Group, Oxford
- St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, Columbus
- First Presbyterian Church, Wooster
- First English Lutheran Church, Columbus
- St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Fremont
- Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, Cleveland
- North Congregational UCC, Columbus
- Fairmount Presbyterian Church, Cleveland Heights
- Athens Friends Meeting, Athens
- Oberlin Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, Oberlin
- LaRue United Methodist Church, LaRue
- St. James Episcopal Church, Wooster
- Dominican Sisters, St. Mary of the Springs, Columbus
- Westminster Presbyterian Church, Dayton
- Bethany United Church of Christ, Cuyahoga Falls
- Several other congregations are currently preparing to sign the covenant, and all faith communities in Ohio are invited to join. Follow the Join Us link for more information.